PERSONAL Financial
Planning Services

“We’ve got someone for that.”

You’ve heard people say it but always wondered what it would be like to have a knowledgeable, approachable and trustworthy financial planner in your corner. 

With over 40 years of combined experience in financial services, we want to be your go-to resource for money and financial questions.  We’ll help you develop and implement a comprehensive financial plan - and reach out proactively to make sure you stay on track.


A good financial plan is highly personalized and is never set in stone.  
Getting to know you, your values and your goals is key.

Here’s what the process typically looks like:

Financial inventory & goal setting

Creation & presentation of the financial plan


Monitoring & regular review

Business meeting

Financial management

We'll first look at what money you have saved up and how you're spending your money now. This helps us understand where you're starting from so we can make a plan that fits your goals.

Insurance & risk management

Part of making a financial plan is making sure you and your loved ones are protected in case something unexpected happens. We'll help you figure out what could go wrong and how to reduce the risks.

Tax planning

Proactive tax planning means developing and implementing strategies that minimize the tax you pay now and in the future; keeping more of your hard earned dollars.

Retirement planning

We'll create a plan to show you how you’ll be able to retire comfortably. This means figuring out how much money you'll need for retirement and how much you should save to get there.

Investment planning

It’s important to consider a few key items when creating an investment plan. You’ll want to consider how comfortable you are with the ups and downs of the stock market, how long you have to invest, and how much you'll pay in fees. We believe it’s particularly important to pay attention to fees because they will impact the growth on your investments.

Estate planning

Even though it's not a fun topic, making a plan for what happens to your assets when you die is important for your loved ones.  This includes creating or updating your will and ensuring beneficiaries are up to date and in line with your wishes.

Need some help but not ready for a comprehensive engagement?
No problem!  We’ll personalize a service model based on your needs.


Knowledgeable. Approachable. Trustworthy. Talk to TwinRock.


Tom has over 20 years of experience in financial services, and is passionate about helping people understand and get the most out of their money.
More about TOM
  • Tom is a Certified Financial Planner® Professional, Certified Employee Benefits Specialist and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from St. Mary’s University.
  • Catch him on a hike with friends or jog by Coquitlam River and you’ll likely hear him chatting about his family (particularly his wife and two daughters), baseball (Blue Jays), movies (especially anything released in 1999) and his backyard wildlife encounters.

Peter Graham

Peter is a pension consultant and financial educator who has spent the past two decades taking the intimidation and dryness out of workplace retirement plans.
More about peter
  • Peter is also a Certified Financial Planner® Professional, a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist and a Responsible Investment Specialist.
  • He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen’s University and has completed the Sustainable Finance Course through the University of Cambridge. 
  • Peter and his family live in Vancouver and love being active near the ocean.
twinrock iphone


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